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Job Boards – Connect Your Account

Each job board will be a unique experience on how you’ll connect to it. Below are general instructions as well as Video Instructions for Specific Job boards

General Instructions

  1. Select the job post you’d like to connect to your job board.
  2. Inside the post, underneath the Name of the job in large, bold letters you’ll see the option to Copy Job Board Email. This is an email address that our system generates for each new job posting made in your account.
  3. Choose your desired job board and create a job posting.
  4. In every job board, there will be a section revolving around where your resumes should be sent.
  5. If there is an option to make resumes mandatory, select it.
  6. If there is an option to receive individual updates for each resume received, select it.
  7. In the field that asks what email address you’d like your resumes sent to, insert our Job board email that you previously copied and save it.
  8. Monitor closely to make sure candidates are entering the system. If you feel they are not entering Discovered properly, contact your client success manager for assistance.

NOTE: Some sites may require you to create a user associated with this email address(i.e. ZipRecruiter). Most of the time, however, you should not need to provide any additional access to the Job board Email we provide for you. If you have questions about this please reach out to your client success manager.

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