Assessments & Hiring

Discover how Automated Video Interview Personality Assessments (AV-PAs) may transform recruitment by streamlining candidate evaluation and reducing bias.

As we gaze into the crystal ball of emerging technology, the dawn of a new era driven by machine learning and artificial intelligence is upon us. These AI-powered tools offer innovative experiences, time-saving capabilities, and optimization across various industries.

One fascinating application of machine learning (ML) can be found in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) psychology, a field centered around understanding how people work together. Research in this area has led to the development of Automated Video Interview Personality Assessments (AVI-PAs), which aim to streamline the recruitment process and minimize biases.

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What Are AVI-PAs?

By employing ML algorithms to analyze candidate responses during video interviews, AVI-PAs provide valuable insights into an individual’s personality, skill set, and job suitability. The goal of automating the interview process is to conserve time and resources while reducing biases that may arise during traditional face-to-face interviews.

This approach can lead to a more equitable and efficient recruitment process for both employers and job seekers.

However, as with many emerging technologies, research has shown mixed results regarding the validity of AVI-PAs until now. Yet new studies suggest substantial potential behind this emerging technology, attracting investors interested in exploring its capacity to revolutionize the hiring process.

Streamlining the Hiring Process with AVI-PAs

The traditional hiring process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. With the advent of AI and ML-powered tools, companies have recently started to streamline this process, and AVI-PAs are on the cutting edge. These assessments leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze candidate responses in video interviews, extracting valuable insights into their personalities, skills, and suitability for the job.

By automating parts of the interview process, newly developed AVI-PAs can help companies save time and resources. At the same time, through using impartial ML tools, they can also minimize the biases that naturally occur during traditional face-to-face interviews.

Traditional hiring methods suffer from a high degree of bias. Employers interview 50% more candidates with white-sounding names, and select more males than females during screenings.

Research has shown that AVI-PAs can provide unique insights into applicant personalities, similar to those provided by human interviewers — but without the bias. This can lead to a more equitable and efficient recruitment process, benefiting both employers and job seekers.

Validity of AVI-PAs

The validity of AVI-PAs is an essential aspect to consider as these tools begin to show exciting potential in transforming the recruitment process. Research on AVI-PAs has provided interesting early results, with some studies showing moderate-to-strong convergence with interviewer-report scores, while others report weaker relationships

Further research is needed to establish the validity of AVI-PAs, as well as to identify the factors that may influence their accuracy in predicting job performance. Understanding the context and conditions in which AVI-PAs are most effective will be crucial for harnessing their full potential in the hiring process.

automated AI video interview

Do AVI-PAs Integrate Well With Other Hiring Tools?

As companies continue to embrace technology in their recruitment processes, it’s crucial to understand how AVI-PAs can complement existing hiring tools. AVI-PAs do have the ability to integrate seamlessly with other assessment methods, such as pre-employment tests, behavioral assessments, and performance appraisals.

However, it’s essential to ensure that these tools work together effectively, and that the administrator understands how and why these tools work. To gain a holistic view of applicant personality, organizations should use multiple sources of ratings, too. That’s because AVI-PAs provide unique insights that are different from the ratings provided by applicants and references.

How AVI-PAs Support Job Performance Predictions

One of the most significant benefits of AVI-PAs is their potential to predict job performance more accurately than traditional methods. By analyzing candidates’ responses to interview questions in real-time, machine learning algorithms can identify patterns and traits that correlate with success in a given role.

This pattern-recognition function can allow companies to screen multiple candidates rapidly without suffering from interview fatigue.

Specifically, AVI-PAs track job performance factors such as:

  • Communication skills: Analyzing verbal and non-verbal cues to evaluate candidates’ ability to express themselves clearly and effectively.
  • Emotional intelligence: Assessing how well candidates recognize, understand, and manage their emotions and those of others.
  • Problem-solving abilities: Evaluating candidates’ aptitude for analyzing complex situations and finding innovative solutions.
  • Adaptability: Measuring how well candidates cope with change and uncertainty in the workplace.
  • Teamwork: Identifying candidates’ ability to collaborate effectively with others and contribute positively to group dynamics.
  • Leadership potential: Evaluating candidates’ capacity to inspire, motivate, and guide others toward a shared goal.

To ensure accuracy, it’s essential to continue refining the algorithms used in AVI-PAs. This will help improve their predictive capabilities and make sure they remain valid and reliable as new data emerges.

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Complementing Pre-Employment Assessments and Behavior Tests with AVI-PAs

AVI-PAs integrate well with pre-employment assessments and behavior tests by providing additional insights into candidates’ personality, motivations, and communication style.

An example of how to pair these tools together is using pre-employment assessments to measure candidates’ technical skills and aptitudes. Next, administer an AVI-PA to evaluate soft skills and cultural fit. When combined, these tools can provide a well-rounded picture of a candidate’s suitability for your organization.

Complementary Tests

Some complementary tests, like IntegrityFirst and the Attention to Detail Test can work in tandem with AVI-PAs to offer a comprehensive evaluation of job candidates. IntegrityFirst measures candidates’ honesty, reliability, and ethical behavior. Attention to Detail focuses on, you guessed it, their ability to concentrate and maintain focus on tasks.

These tests, when used alongside AVI-PAs, can offer employers a crystal-ball-style look into the candidate’s overall potential.

Call for Research Partners

Interestingly, the owner of IntegrityFirst and the Attention to Detail Test — The Hire Talent — has recognized the potential value of AVI-PAs, and invested in the research into these innovative assessments. This investment highlights the growing interest in developing and implementing tools that can support organizations in making more informed hiring decisions by combining various assessment methods.

The Hire Talent is looking for companies to work with, to broaden the research into AVI-PAs. The research to date will be discussed at the 38th Annual SIOP Conference on April 19-22 in Boston.

By leveraging the strengths of pre-employment assessments, behavior tests, and AVI-PAs, companies can create a powerful and well-rounded evaluation process for finding the best talent.

automated AI video interview

Future Research and Implementation Challenges

As AVI-PAs continue to gain traction in the world of I-O psychology, there are several challenges that researchers and practitioners need to address to ensure their successful implementation and widespread adoption.

  • Establishing validity and reliability
  • Ensuring fairness and reducing biases
  • Integrating with existing hiring tools
  • Addressing privacy and ethical concerns
  • Training and education

AVI-PAs have the potential to revolutionize the hiring process by offering a more efficient and unbiased approach to evaluating job candidates. As research continues to establish their validity and effectiveness, they may become an integral part of the recruitment landscape in the coming years.

By addressing the challenges associated with their implementation, companies can unlock the full potential of AVI-PAs and create a more equitable and efficient hiring process for all.